When illness strikes, you can strike back. If you experience a serious health condition in the future, specified disease coverage can help lighten the load.
Even with medical insurance, a serious health condition could cost you. Specified disease insurance can provide you with extra cash when you need it most—if you or a family member covered under this plan is diagnosed with one of the specified covered conditions (such as a heart attack, a stroke, or cancer).
Watch a video about Specified Disease insurance
Review the benefit summary
Choose Your Coverage Level
If you decide you want critical illness coverage, you may choose an amount from $5,000 to $30,000 of coverage, in $5,000 increments for you and your spouse. Children can have benefits from $2,500 to $10,000, in increments of $2,500, not to exceed 50% of your election.
Things to Consider
When deciding whether to enroll in critical illness insurance, be sure to consider the following:
Cost per Paycheck
The cost of coverage is based on who you cover, age, and the level of coverage you elect. You’ll be able to see the cost per paycheck for all your options when you enroll through Your Total Rewards at digital.alight.com/equitable/.
Your and Your Family’s Needs
Does a serious health condition run in your family? Would you need financial help to offset the cost of a serious health situation? If you answered “yes” to either question, having critical illness insurance could give you peace of mind. You don't have to answer any health questions to obtain coverage.